讲师 硕士生导师
2018.1 - 现在: 华中科技大学大学新闻与信息传播学院, 讲师
2016.4 - 2018.3: 日本学术振兴会(JSPS)特别研究员 DC2,PD
2017.10 - 2018.1: 日本国立大学法人 北陆先端科学技术大学院大学(JAIST), 博士后研究员
2015.4 - 2017.9: 日本国立大学法人 北陆先端科学技术大学院大学(JAIST), 博士
导师: 饭田弘之, 副课题导师:中村 彰宪(立命馆大学)
2014.2-2014.3 加州大学戴维斯分校访问
2013.4 - 2015.3: 日本国立大学法人 北陆先端科学技术大学院大学(JAIST), 硕士
导师: 饭田弘之
2007.9 - 2011.6: 华中科技大学(HUST) 计算机科学与技术学院 学士
公益財団法人 NEC C&C財団,外国人青年研究员奖励
2016—2018 游戏精炼理论与其应用——游戏设计论的新范式
日本学术振兴会DC2-PD特别研究员项目 130万日元 主持,结项
2017—2018 人工智能的新挑战「狼人游戏」开发以及通过游戏精炼理论对其评估
日本研究据点形成支援事业 130万日元 主持,结项
[1] Shuo Xiong, Wenlin Li, Xingting Mao, and Hiroyuki Iida. (2017, December). Mafia Game Setting Research Using Game Refinement Measurement. In International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment (pp. 830-846). Springer, Cham. London, UK, 2017.
[2] Shuo Xiong, Long Zuo, and Hiroyuki Iida. (2017, November). Individual game information evaluation using signal processing measurement. In Systems and Informatics (ICSAI), 2017 4th International Conference on (pp. 1400-1404). IEEE. Hangzhou, China, 2017.
[3] Long Zuo., Shuo Xiong., & Hiroyuki Iida. (2017, November). An analysis of hotel loyalty program with a focus on the tiers and points system. In Systems and Informatics (ICSAI), 2017 4th International Conference on (pp. 507-512). IEEE. Hangzhou, China, 2017.
[4] Shuo Xiong, Long Zuo, and Hiroyuki Iida. (2017). Possible Interpretations for Game Refinement Measure. In International Conference on Entertainment Computing. Springer International Publishing. Tsukuba, Japan. Sep. 2017
[5] Long Zuo, Shuo Xiong and Hiroyuki Iida. (2017). An Analysis of DOTA2 using Game Refinement Measurement. In International Conference on Entertainment Computing. Springer International Publishing. Tsukuba, Japan. Sep. 2017
[6] Nhien Pham Hoang Bao, Shuo Xiong, and Hiroyuki Iida. (2017). Reaper Tournament System. In International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment. Springer. Funchal, Portugal. June. 2017
[7] Shuo Xiong, Ying Peng, Hiroyuki Iida and Nordin Abu-Bakar. (2016). An Approach to Entertainment Tuning in RPGs: Case Study Using Diablo III and Trails of Cold Steel. In Games and Learning Alliance (pp. 385-394). Springer International Publishing. Utrecht, Netherlands. Dec. 2016
[8] Shuo Xiong, Parth Pankaj Tiwary, and Hiroyuki Iida. (2016). Solving the Sophistication-Population Paradox of Game Refinement Theory. In International Conference on Entertainment Computing (pp. 266-271). Springer International Publishing. Vienna, Austria. Sep. 2016
[9] Shuo Xiong, Liang Yang, Nor Azan Mat Zin, and Hiroyuki Iida. (2016). Ranking Accuracy and Popularity Promotion: case study using UEFA Euro 2016. 3rd International Conference on Systems and Informatics. Shanghai, China. Nov. 2016
[10] Mingyang Wu, Shuo Xiong, and Hiroyuki Iida. (2016). The fairness mechanism in MOBA games. 3rd International Conference on Systems and Informatics. Shanghai, China. Nov. 2016
[11] Panumate. Chetprayoon, Shuo Xiong, and Hiroyuki Iida. (2015). An Approach to Quantifying Pokemons Entertainment Impact with focus on Battle. The 3rd International Conference on Applied Computing & Information Technology, (pp. 60-66). IEEE. Okayama, Japan. July. 2015
[12] Panumate. Chetprayoon, Shuo Xiong, Hiroyuki Iida, and Toshiaki Kondo. (2015).
Evolutionary Changes of Pokemon Game: A Case Study with Focus On Catching Pokemon. In International Conference on Entertainment Computing (pp. 182-194). Springer International Publishing. Trondheim, Norway. Sep. 2015
[13] Shuo Xiong, Hiroyuki Iida (2014). Attractiveness of real time strategy games. In Systems and Informatics (ICSAI), 2014 2nd International Conference on (pp. 271-276). IEEE. Shanghai, China. Nov. 2014
[14] Shuo Xiong, Long Zuo and Hiroyuki Iida. (2014). Quantifying Engagement of Electronic Sports Game. Advances in Social and Behavioral Sciences Vols.5-6, (pp. 37-42). Hongkong, China. Dec. 2014
[15] Shuo Xiong, Xinting Mao, Wenlin Li and Hiroyuki Iida. (2017). Finding Comfortable Settings of Mafia Game: using Game Refinement Measurement. Information Processing Society of Japan, the 38th GI research. Okayama, Japan. July. 2017
[16] Bhargav Chauhan, Shuo Xiong, and Hiroyuki Iida. (2015). Game Refinement and Utility-Fun Function: Application to Card Games. The 20th Game Programming Workshop Processding (pp. 138-141). Karuizawa, Japan. Nov. 2015
[17] Shuo Xiong, Long Zuo, and Hiroyuki Iida. (2014). Quantifying engagement of electronic sports game. Advances in Social and Behavioral Sciences, 5, 37-42.
[18] Shuo Xiong, Long Zuo, Rachaya Chiewvanichakorn and Hiroyuki Iida. (2014). Quantifying engagement of various games. In The 19th Game Programming Workshop 2014. (PP. 101-106) Information Processing Society of Japan. Hakone, Japan. Nov. 2014
[19] Shuo Xiong (2012). The Japanese and Chinese Game Secluding From the Outside World and Countermeasure for Dealing with the Situation. Digital Games Research Association Japan 2012 Annual Conference. (PP. 66-75). Fukuoka, Japan. Mar. 2013
[20] Shuo Xiong, He Zahi, Long Zuo, Mingyang Wu, and Hiroyuki Iida. (2015). Analysis of the ``Heroes of the Storm''. Advances in Computer Science: an International Journal, 4(6), 79-82. Journal. Dec. 2015
[21] Shuo Xiong, Hiroyuki Iida (2015). Attractiveness of Real Time Strategy Games. Computer Science and Information Systems, Vol. 12, No. 4, (PP. 1217-1234), 2014. Journal. Nov. 2015
[22] Shuo Xiong (2014). The Problems With Modern Japanese and Chinese Game Seclusion From the Outside World and In-depth Analysis of the Countermeasures. Journal of US-China Public Administration, 11(4): (PP. 334-344), 2014. Journal. Sep. 2014
2012. 三国志12汉化组,系统翻译
2013-2014 信长之野望14 汉化组,系统翻译,历史事件剧情翻译